Honda for Sale in Salfit





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Cars For Sale
Used Honda Civic in Salfit
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Used Honda Civic in Salfit

Used , Honda , Civic , Standard , 2006 , 160,000 - 169,999 km

Salfit, Pedaya
icon phone9725378495XX
30,000 ILS

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Accent 2007 full
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Accent 2007 full

Used , Hyundai , Accent , GLS , 2007 , 1,000 - 9,999 km

Tulkarm, Deir Al-Ghusun
icon phone9725680426XX
31,000 ILS
Used Hyundai Avante in Hebron
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Used Hyundai Avante in Hebron

Used , Hyundai , Avante , SE , 2006 , 40,000 - 49,999 km

Hebron, AlManara Circle
icon phone05978779XX
30,000 ILS
Used Hyundai Avante in Hebron
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Used Hyundai Avante in Hebron

Used , Hyundai , Avante , SE , 2006 , 50,000 - 59,999 km

Hebron, AlManara Circle
icon phone05978779XX
30,000 ILS
New Hyundai Avante in Hebron
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New Hyundai Avante in Hebron

New , Hyundai , Avante , Limited , 2006 , 1 - 999 km, Sedan

Hebron, Halhul
icon phone9725999308XX
28,000 ILS
Used Hyundai Avante in Bethlehem
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Used Hyundai Avante in Bethlehem

Used , Hyundai , Avante , SE , 2006 , 180,000 - 189,999 km

Bethlehem, Bab AlDeir
icon phone05950325XX
32,000 ILS
Used Hyundai Accent in Qalqilya
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Used Hyundai Accent in Qalqilya

Used , Hyundai , Accent , Standard , 2006 , +200,000 km

Qalqilya, Kafr Thulth
icon phone9725975668XX
25,000 ILS
accent 2006  اكسنت موديل 2006 بنزين ماتور 1400 اتوماتيك لون سكني
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accent 2006 اكسنت موديل 2006 بنزين ماتور 1400 اتوماتيك لون سكني

Used , Hyundai , Accent , GLS , 2006 , 1,000 - 9,999 km

Tulkarm, Deir Al-Ghusun
icon phone9725680426XX
29,000 ILS
Used Hyundai Avante in Ramallah and Al-Bireh
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Used Hyundai Avante in Ramallah and Al-Bireh

Used , Hyundai , Avante , Standard , 2006 , 1,000 - 9,999 km

Ramallah and Al-Bireh, Beitunia
icon phone9725975777XX
28,000 ILS
Used Hyundai Elantra in Hebron
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Used Hyundai Elantra in Hebron

Used , Hyundai , Elantra , Sport , 2000 , 160,000 - 169,999 km

Hebron, Harat AlShaykh
icon phone05954509XX
25,000 ILS

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